A Week in Medjugorje

Pilgrims often ask us what to expect on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. While Medjugorje is always peaceful and prayerful, the exact schedule can sometimes be unpredictable. Much of what we do is dependent on the weather, the time of year, and the parish schedule, and each pilgrimage is full of unexpected opportunities and surprises. 

That said, even though the times and days of our schedule may change, there are many plans in Medjugorje we are always sure to have and sites we will always see. Here is an example of a Medjugorje pilgrimage itinerary:

DAY 1 

The first day is always a travel day. Our pilgrims come from all over the United States (and sometimes other parts of the world) and typically have at least one connecting flight in Europe. Medjugorje is a small village nestled in the Herzegovina region so pilgrims fly into one of three larger airports (Split or Dubrovnik in Croatia or Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina) and then everyone takes a bus or taxi for about 2-3 hours to arrive at our hotel in Medjugorje. We all eat dinner together as a group, and then we leave the rest of the night free. Some pilgrims will explore a little of the area around the hotel (we stay near Apparition Hill), but many will just go right to sleep to be rested and ready for the next day.


The second day typically begins with an early breakfast. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for the pilgrims every day at the hotel. 

After breakfast, our local guide, Miki Musa, likes to give an introductory talk about the history of Medjugorje and the surrounding region. 

The parish of St. James offers Daily Mass in many different languages. Our group goes together to English Mass every day at 10AM. If you're interested in attending Mass in another language, you can see the whole Mass schedule in the parish information office right next to St. James church. 

St. James is the church in Medjugorje. It's about a 20 minute walk through beautiful fields between our hotel and the church. We will walk together as a group, but there are also taxis available to take pilgrims to the church. It's about a 5 minute ride and costs $6 or 5 euro.

After Mass, Miki will often finish discussing the history of Medjugorje. 

Then pilgrims return to the hotel for lunch together. 

After lunch, there may be some free time before the Evening Prayer Program.

Every evening in Medjugorje, the parish of St. James will have an Evening Prayer Program. We will always leave this time open on our schedule for pilgrims to attend. Dinner is not provided by our group, but pilgrims often plan to eat together at one of the restaurants in the town. Meals are very affordable. A typical dinner with drinks included typically costs 10 euro. 

The Evening Prayer Program:

  • Confession and the Rosary begins at 5pm in the winter (or 6pm from June through August) 
  • Mass in Croatian that can be translated to your language via a radio is at 6pm (7pm in the summer)
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays Mass is followed by Adoration of the Eucharist. Fridays Mass is followed by Veneration of the Cross. All other days, Mass is followed by praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

For more information on the Evening Prayer Program in Medjugorje, visit: medjugorje.hr/en/medjugorje-phenomenon/prayer-program/


On every pilgrimage, we will walk up both Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain, however, the days we do this are highly dependent on the weather. We will not go on a day that there is rain. In the summer months, we typically like to beat the heat and begin our climb before sunrise. In the cooler months, we can go any time.

The climb up Apparition Hill will often take about 2 hours. We will pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary as we climb and stop at the bronze plaques that commemorate each mystery. Miki will give prayer reflections and also explain the history of the hill and the apparitions. At the top of the hill, pilgrims will have some time to sit and pray on their own. 

Pilgrims are always welcome to climb Apparition Hill in their free time. It's a beautiful experience to climb on your own, but there are often times a small group will get together and climb. If you're not stopping at each mystery, the climb can go as fast as 20-30 minutes. 

If you worry you are unable to make the climb, there is a steep but smooth path that leads to the base of the hill. Pilgrims often join the group for this beginning part, and we all pray the first decade of the Rosary together at the base of the hill. There is a cafe right there at the base of the hill where pilgrims can wait and have a coffee or juice or snack while they wait for the group to walk back down. 

The Apparition Hill climb is often followed by lunch at the hotel and then free time until the Evening Prayer Program at St. James church.


Each pilgrimage we visit Mother's Village, the local orphanage founded by beloved local priest Fr. Slavko. We have a Mass together in their chapel there and our local guide tells us the history of the orphanage and the story of Fr. Slavko. At the end of our visit, we always go to the gift shop. This is our favorite shop for souvenirs because it's full of handmade gifts made by the local children and all the proceeds go to support the orphanage. 

After lunch at the hotel, our group stays in the dining room and visionary Mirjana joins us to share her story. As Miki translates, she shares her personal history of the apparitions and then takes some time to answers questions from pilgrims. 

The day ends with the Evening Prayer Program.


The climb up Cross Mountain is often one of the favorite parts of the pilgrimage. This climb is similar to Apparition Hill. The time we climb is highly dependent on the weather and time of year. Cross Mountain is a longer, steeper, and more challenging climb than Apparition Hill. Our group will take it slow, but we encourage pilgrims to join us for at least the first 2 or 3 stations. There is a cafe at the base of the hill for pilgrims to wait if they don't want to join the climb. They have the best fresh squeezed orange juice! 

This climb will often take about 3 or 4 hours. We will pray the Rosary and reflect on the Stations of the Cross as we climb and stop at the bronze plaques that commemorate each station. Miki will give prayer reflections from a beautiful Stations of the Cross reflection guide. At the top of Cross Mountain, pilgrims will have some time to sit and pray on their own. 

Once you make it back down the hill, treat yourself to a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. It tastes even better if you've just climbed a mountain!

We often head straight back to the hotel for a meal. In the warmer months, we will climb before sunrise and make it back to the hotel for breakfast. In the cooler months, we may start the morning with Mass then climb Cross Mountain before returning to the hotel for lunch.

Nearly every week, Fr. Leon, the English speaking pastor in Medjugorje, will give his testimony to any pilgrims in Medjugorje who would like to hear it. He announces when this will happen at Daily Mass. We always leave that time open for our pilgrims to attend his talk. 


Cenacolo Community is a rehab community for anyone struggling with an addiction. There are Cenacolo houses around the world and one of them is located just steps away from Apparition Hill. This community is filled with inspiring stories of hope and perseverance. Our pilgrims go to hear about the fruits of this place and testimonies from the men in community there.

One afternoon on our pilgrimage, our local guide will take us on a walk through the village surrounding Apparition Hill and point out some of the significant locations tied to the history of the apparitions. 


There is often one full free day on our trip, but we always find a surprise to fill it! Depending on the weather and the time of year, we will have a few options of interesting places to explore near Medjugorje. If pilgrims have expressed interest in a particular place, we will arrange transportation and offer an opportunity for the whole group to join us on an adventure! 

Some of the trips we have made are spending an afternoon at a local restaurant on the river, visiting the nearby church in Surmanci with a Divine Mercy icon, going to Zadar in Croatia to see St. Simeon and hear the sea organ along the Adriatic, and exploring the nearby fairytale-looking village of Mostar with it's historic bridge.

These side trips are not guaranteed and are often an additional cost. Pilgrims are always welcome to stay in Medjugorje and explore the many beautiful sites there. 


On the final day, pilgrims travel home.

It may seem like the end of the pilgrimage, but the graces are only just beginning. And Medjugorje pilgrims always remain united together in prayer!

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