Homilies given by Fr. Ryan

at Prince of Peace Catholic Church

All footage is courtesy of Prince of Peace Catholic Church and Matthew Caporale.

"A cross is an intersection of wills. It happens when our preferences contradict with what God asks of us. As an example, God might permit sickness in my life. My preference is to be healthy, but God might permit me to become sick. Therefore, there is an intersection of wills. God's will is going on one direction, and mine is going in another. In that moment, I turn to the crucifix and I’m reminded by Jesus's example that God is worth trusting. Even when it looks bleak, I know that it didn’t end on the cross. That God's love will overcome. It’s in the cross that I find the strength to trust that God knows what He’s doing and to rebuild my relationship that has been damaged by sin. That’s why God permits crosses in our lives."

- from a homily given by Fr. Ryan on Good Friday, April 10, 2020

To view the full Masses, visit the Prince of Peace Youtube page or the link in the description of each homily video.

Fr. Ryan shares a reflection on Divine Mercy Sunday

P. Ryan comparte una reflexión sobre el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia