New Film! Get Excited!
Fr. Ryan Stawaisz, a beloved priest of the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston, was always recognized by his cheerful attitude and radiant smile, even in times of great suffering. We were deeply moved by Fr. Ryan's example of surrender to God's will.
After a year of production the film is finally ready to show! The filmmakers need your help to share this story.
Please consider hosting this film and bringing this story to your community.

How to bring the film to your community!
Step 1: Arrange a private screening through your local theater
Step 2: Get a license from the filmmakers.
Step 3: Invite your community to purchase tickets and spread the word about the screening
Exclusive clip: Ordination Scene
Exclusive clip: Near the End

Behind the Scenes
Check out this clip of some Behind-the-Scenes of our reenactment shoot for our new film about Fr. Ryan.
Our friend Mauricio who is the same build and age of Fr. Ryan agreed to come out and experience being a priest for the day. Deacon Bill helped us make sure he had the correct vestments and that the scenes were accurate according to catholic rituals. Some parishioners were very emotional seeing our actor because he really reminded them of Fr. Ryan.
Film shoot went amazingly! The only mishap is with 100*F weather, our drone overheated and crashed into a tree! We rescued the footage and said goodbye to our little friend.
After a lot of prayer and medical friends helping behind the scenes, we were finally able to lock in an interview with Fr. Ryan's doctor on Oct 10th.
Follow @palomita_film for more 🕊️

Support the upcoming film "Love God's Will"